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Time is the Best Healer.


                    "TIME HEALS EVERYTHING."

We get to listen this (‘time is a great healer’) very frequently in our lives. Every time, we face an emotional injury, people who have seen lives and been through such situations suggest us not to be bothered, further telling us that time will heal our pain.

There is nothing that time can’t heal thus time is the best healer. Time teaches us to forget and forgive and go beyond the damage that has happened to us. It is said that out of sight and out of mind. Time takes us for a journey from the space where the bitter incidents took place and leave us in a new space of happiness. It is because of the time and passing of the time we are able to come out of the most difficult days in our life and being able to lead a happy life once again.

When we have difficult days ahead we would be thinking we can’t handle it anymore, we can’t carry it further and we would be thinking to annul everything but the days of hope and happiness are not far away. What we need to do is that give time its space to work and thus we are assured with great miracles. Many a time what we feel is that we can’t come out of our bad time and it is the end of everything but still there remains hope and time to have wonders happening.

We all are travelling in a vehicle called time, time the vehicle won’t leave us anywhere and go, and definitely it would take us to some beautiful avenues. Give time its space to work; we shall not be in a hurry for fortunes to happen, however, in fullness of time everything would happen. 

I believe time can heal. Most unhappy experiences that happened to me seemed terrible at the time, but as time went by, I realized that I not only no longer felt sad but also learned valuable lessons.

Time is like a stream of water that gently runs through the wound deep in my mind, kisses it and washes it away. And at the end, it leaves something valuable to remind me just as a scar does. Without encountering those depressing experiences, I wouldn't live the way I am today.

It's no doubt that everyone has his or her own sadness to grieve, such as having memories of being humiliated, injured or hurt emotionally. I remembered that when I received my college entrance examination result I was shocked at the moment because my score was much lower than my expectation. As a result, it's certain that I would not be able to attend my dream university. I was heartbroken that time and cried again and again. However, I no longer feel the same way today and I have put all the sadness behind me. Three years have passed by from that day, for now I do well in my present university and I realize that what matters most is my persistence to work hard and a good work ethic. Bumping into many walls in life allows me to grow up, reflect on myself, and learn to survive in this society.

I believe time is the best medicine for healing my mind. Although the process is painful, I can meditate my past and learn a lot from it. Life is tough, but only by extracting precious inspirations from the unfortunate experiences can I really grow up and shape my minds even tougher than life. Caterpillar must endure a process of struggle before it becomes a beautiful butterfly - and the process, it's about time.


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